Credits and References

Course Credit

This course was created with the assistance of Dr. Annie Rochette and is owned by the Law Society of Alberta.  


The following resources are referenced in the course.

Adrian Evans et al, Australian Clinical Legal Education: Designing and Operating a Best Practice Clinical Program in an Australian Law School (Australian National University Press, 2017).

Donald A. Schön, The Reflective Turn: Case Studies in and On Educational Practice (Teachers College Press, 1991).

Gillie Bolton and Russell Delderfield, Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development 5th ed. (Los Angeles: Sage, 2018).

Kiron Koshy, Christopher Limb, Buket Gundogan, Katharine Whitehurst, and Daniyal J. Jafree. “Reflective Practice in Health Care and How to Reflect Effectively.” (2017) 2 :6 International Journal of Surgery Oncology e20–e20.

Jenny Moon, A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning (London, UK: Routledge Falmer, 2004).

Michael D. Lang, The Guide to Reflective Practice in Conflict Resolution (New York: Rowman & Littlefield,2019).

Michele M. Leering, 2017. “Integrated Reflective Practice: A Critical Imperative for Enhancing Legal Education and Professionalism" (2017) 95 Canadian Bar Review 43.

Michele M. Leering, “Perils, Pitfalls and Possibilities: Introducing Reflective Practice Effectively in Legal Education.” (2019) 53:4 The Law Teacher 431.

Sara Horton-Deutsch & Gwen D. Sherwood, Reflective Practice: Transforming Education and Improving Outcomes (Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International, 2017).

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 1:55 PM